Living By Faith


The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor… preach deliverance to the captives. (Luke 4:18)

Your release from prison has been accomplished through a price that was paid on your behalf.
Mark Hankins

In Jesus’ first message, He declared that He would “preach deliverance to the captives.”(Luke 4:1) Beck’s translation says, “He sent me to announce to prisoners, ‘You are free.’” Jesus is not talking about His jail ministry. A prison ministry is a great ministry, but there are many people held captive who are not behind steel bars; they are behind real bars.

Only Jesus can bring deliverance. Only the power of the Gospel can bring freedom. Your redemption was legally purchased through the blood of Jesus. His death and resurrection have established a new, universal fact for every man. Jesus purchased your freedom. That means the prison doors of Satan, sin, and sickness are open and the prisoner is legally free! The prisoner does not have to sneak out some dark night; he can walk out in the daylight because he has a legal release!

Confession: God has given me a legal redemption. I am free because God is righteous and He has righteously effected my release!

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