Living By Faith


I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14)

There are some good things that are in you that you need to acknowledge! Mark Hankins

In tennis, baseball, or basketball, a good coach will always tell the player who missed a shot, “You do not have time to think about the last shot you missed. This game is too short, and if you keep thinking about the last shot you missed, you will get down on yourself. That will affect the rest of your game and the whole team. It will cause you to lose.” So the coach will say, “Shake it off fast! Forget about it.”

Press on to those things that are ahead. Do you know some things are just ahead for you? You must take your place in Christ and hold yourself in that place. Paul said, “Acknowledging every good thing that is in you in Christ.” There are some good things that are in you that you need to acknowledge. Confess them. Your faith becomes effective when you acknowledge those things. “Acknowledge” means you have to say it.

Confession: I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I have been made right with God. In Christ Jesus, I am righteous. I am a new creation in Him. It is so good to be in Christ!

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Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

The devil cannot destroy you anytime he wants — he needs your cooperation.
Mark Hankins

Many times people self-destruct. I do not believe the devil can kill you anytime he wants. If so, you would already be dead because he does not like you, and he would like to destroy you. 1 Peter 5:8 says the devil goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. That means he cannot devour everyone. The next verse says, “Whom resist steadfast in the faith.” Another translation says, “Stand rock-like, immovable in your faith.”

Stand in your faith in what God has done for you in Christ, in who you are, and in what you have in Christ. You resist the devil. The devil cannot destroy you anytime he wants — he needs your cooperation.

You have to get up each morning acknowledging every good thing that is in you in Christ! Resist the devil! Stand strong in your faith by recognizing who you are in Christ!

Confession: In Him I am strong! In Him I am blessed! In Him I have boldness and access to the presence of God!

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…the acknowledging of every good thing… (Philemon 6)

God likes people to brag about who they are in Him. Mark Hankins

There are good things in you in Christ. The apostle Paul said to “acknowledge every good thing” For your faith to become effective, you need to continually acknowledge who you are in Christ. This is not something you have acknowledged; it is something you are acknowledging. It is a continual process. Acknowledging is essential if you want your faith to work properly.

To acknowledge means to recognize, to think about, and to be conscious of. Acknowledging means to daily declare who you are in Christ and what you have in Christ. It also means to walk and live in the light of who you are in Christ.

God likes people to brag about who they are in Him. Paul boasted in the cross because of what God had done for him in Christ. This is not boasting in yourself, but in what God has done for you and can do through you because of your union with Christ!

Confession: I was crucified with Christ. I died with Him. I was buried with Him. But on the third day, I was made righteous, made alive with him, raised with Him, seated with Him, and made triumphant with Him!

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…full recognition and appreciation and understanding and precise knowledge of every good [thing] that is ours in [our identification with] Christ Jesus. (Philemon 6 Amplified)

Never run at your giant with your mouth shut! Mark Hankins

You need a bold confession of who you are in Christ. Faith must have a bold confession in order to work properly. E.W. Kenyon said, “The reason that the majority of Christians are weak, though they are earnest, yet they are weak, is because they have never dared to make a confession of what they are in Christ.”

In 1 Samuel 17, David made some bold declarations as he ran toward Goliath. He was no longer just thinking of himself; he had identified with Almighty God. He had declared his covenant with God. David did not go to the battlefield and say, “I am going to see what will happen today.” No, David declared ahead of time that the victory was his.

You must acknowledge who you are in Christ for your faith to work. Just like David, you too can declare ahead of time that victory is yours in Christ!

Confession: Victory is mine in Christ! I am identified with Christ, the triumph of Christ, the risen Christ. I reign in victory with Him!

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And I pray that as you share your faith with others it will grip their lives too, as they see the wealth of good things in you that come from Christ Jesus. (Philemon 6 TLB)

You are absolutely wealthy in Christ! Mark Hankins

There is a wealth of good things that are yours because you are in Christ. Would you like to understand the abundance of your blessings in Christ? You must learn to recognize, appreciate, and understand your identification in Christ.

The Laubach translation of Philemon six says, “I pray that everyone who meets you may catch your faith and learn from you how wonderful it is to live in Christ.” In other words, your faith becomes contagious as you walk in the light of your redemption in Christ. It is wonderful to live in Christ! It is miserable to try to live any other way but in Him. Your life becomes a great testimony to others as they see the wonderful benefits that belong to the believer. In Him victory is yours, blessing is yours, peace is yours, joy is yours, prosperity is yours, healing is yours, wisdom is yours, and the list goes on and on. You will never really get to the end of what God has done for you in Christ Jesus.

Confession: In Him victory is mine, blessing is mine, peace is mine, joy is mine, prosperity is mine, healing is mine, and wisdom is mine!

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