Living By Faith


…with the washing of the water by the word. (Ephesians 5:26)

Repetition of the watering process is essential for seeds to grow.
Mark Hankins

Years ago, my family and I moved into a “new-to- us” home. I brought in a lot of dirt in order to change the landscaping. I then needed to plant some grass. So, I bought a little bag of centipede grass. I got the ground ready and placed those little tiny seeds in the dirt just right. The instructions said, “You must water the seeds everyday.” So, every day, morning, and evening, I watered that seed.

Four weeks went by and nothing happened! I went back and read the instructions: “Don’t expect quick results. Don’t expect anything the first four weeks…after eight weeks, little, tiny centipede grass will start to sprout, but you may need a magnifying glass to see it…Be patient.” So four more weeks — water, water, water! Finally, I saw a little bitty centipede grass. After another three months, I could finally see the grass while standing up!

Today, the whole yard is covered with beautiful centipede grass. The planting process was important, but the instructions on the watering process were actually more important!

Confession: But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. (James 1:4)

One thought on “WATER, WATER, WATER”

  1. Tony Dubey says:

    Such an important reminder!

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