Living By Faith


For he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak. (John 16:13)

If you hang out with the Holy Ghost, He will show you things to come about in your life and future. Mark Hankins

What does it mean, “Whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak”? Who does the Holy Spirit hang out with? He hangs out with the Father and the Son, so whatever He hears them say is what He says. Verse 13 concludes,“and he will shew you things to come.”

If you want to know what is happening, you do not have to call the psychic network and ask, “What do you see in my future?” I see you going broke if you stay on that line very long! Four dollars a minute, yet you come to church and put in a dollar. You need another slap! You would pay four dollars a minute to talk to a lying devil? If it’s not a devil, it’s a fool who looks under cards! When someone from Louisiana calls they say, “I see squirrel hunting in your future. I see crawdads in your future.” That’s ridiculous!

Be still and get with the Holy Ghost; talk to Him. Worship God and worship Jesus, then say, “Holy Spirit, help me read the Word. Show me things to come. I don’t want to miss the will of God for my life. Help me.”

Confession: The Holy Spirit is my Helper. As I listen, He will show me the will of God for my life!

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