Living By Faith


Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. (1 Peter 2:10)

When you know who you are in Christ, you cannot have an inferiority complex.
Mark Hankins

Have you ever been around people that ignore you as if you are nobody? Because you are in Christ, you cannot be a “nobody.” When you are in Christ, you have access to the highest place in the universe. You can go right to the throne of God and say, “Abba Father. He is my Daddy. I get immediate recognition. I am well known in the realm of the Spirit.”

You are somebody in Christ. The reason people commit suicide is because they think, “Nobody cares about me. I walk by people, and they do not even look at me.” They have listened to the lies of the devil so long they believe what he has told them. In Christ, you cannot have an inferiority complex. You can have a calm assurance of what God has done for you in Christ and who you are in Him.

Confession: In times past I may have been a “nobody,” but in Christ I am now “somebody!” I have obtained mercy and have access directly to the throne of God!

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