Living By Faith


And I pray that as you share your faith with others it will grip their lives too, as they see the wealth of good things in you that come from Christ Jesus. (Philemon 6 TLB)

You are absolutely wealthy in Christ! Mark Hankins

There is a wealth of good things that are yours because you are in Christ. Would you like to understand the abundance of your blessings in Christ? You must learn to recognize, appreciate, and understand your identification in Christ.

The Laubach translation of Philemon six says, “I pray that everyone who meets you may catch your faith and learn from you how wonderful it is to live in Christ.” In other words, your faith becomes contagious as you walk in the light of your redemption in Christ. It is wonderful to live in Christ! It is miserable to try to live any other way but in Him. Your life becomes a great testimony to others as they see the wonderful benefits that belong to the believer. In Him victory is yours, blessing is yours, peace is yours, joy is yours, prosperity is yours, healing is yours, wisdom is yours, and the list goes on and on. You will never really get to the end of what God has done for you in Christ Jesus.

Confession: In Him victory is mine, blessing is mine, peace is mine, joy is mine, prosperity is mine, healing is mine, and wisdom is mine!

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