Living By Faith


A royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people… (1 Peter 2:9)

Everyone from the greatest to the least has equal access to the Father God.
Mark Hankins

Royal Priesthood: In the New Testament, because of what God has done for us in Christ, everyone has equal access to the Father. God is just as glad to see you, as He is to see any preacher, apostle, or prophet. You can go right into the presence of God. You are a royal priesthood.

A Holy Nation: Once you get in Christ that is your only nationality. You now have family all over the world. When you become a citizen of this nation, there are all kinds of benefits — all of the military of heaven will back you up!

A Peculiar People: What makes you so peculiar? While the worlds’ economy may be going down, yours is going up! When everyone else is depressed, you are rejoicing!

God wants the church to be blessed and strong, full of joy, peace, and victory. He wants to put you on display for the world to see: a new breed, a whole new nation, a whole new creation!

Confession: I am of a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a peculiar people. I am a whole new creation. I came from the King!

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