Living By Faith


Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is free from sin. (Romans 6:6-7)

Wouldn’t you like to go ahead and lose your mind for a little while?
Mark Hankins

Paul said in Romans 6, “I know this for a fact. I was crucified with Christ. Christ took me to the cross with Him.” Some theologians believe that Paul had lost his
mind because he was not even in Jerusalem when Jesus was crucified. But Paul said, “Christ lives in me now. I did not survive the cross, and there is nothing left of me. It’s all gone. I am a brand-new man. I was crucified with Christ.”

Paul was presenting the law of substitution to the theologians and to us. The law of substitution has to do with the two Adams. The first Adam got us into this mess, so God made another Adam. Jesus is the last Adam. To get rid of the old Adam, there had to be a resurrection.

The death and resurrection of Christ is a group picture. You have to find yourself in it, or the picture does not look so great. Once you find yourself, you can say, “Oh, there I am!” This is not sense knowledge; the Holy Spirit reveals it to you.

Confession: Because Christ lives, I live! I am seated with Him and blessed with Him. I cannot be defeated! I cannot be depressed. Christ lives in me!

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