Living By Faith


For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

The Word will cut controlling influences off of your life.
Mark Hankins

Ephesians 6:17 tells us that the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, will reach into your soul and cut things out that are hindering you from fulfilling the will of God. Nothing can separate your soul and your spirit but the Word. God says that you are a new creature in Christ and that you have been made righteous and triumphant, but your mind is in disagreement; your circumstances are in disagreement; your feelings are in disagreement. But the Word of God is like a sharp sword and it will cause your circumstances and feelings to agree with God.

The Word will cut things out of your soul that are not in agreement with God’s Word. What happens when you begin to acknowledge who you are in Christ? The Word will cut controlling influences off of your life!

Confession: I am who God says I am. I am an overcomer. I have been made righteous. I am the righteousness of God in Christ!

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But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. (James 1:22)

As you acknowledge the Word, start acting like it is true.
Mark Hankins

What does it mean to be a doer of the Word? When you see something in the Word, you just act on it. You start acting like the Word is true. James 2:26 tells us that faith without works [or corresponding action] is dead!

If the Word says something belongs to you, you can say, “I am going to act on it. I am going to act like it is so. It may not feel like it or look like it, but I am acting on it right now.” As you acknowledge the Word, start acting like it is true. Smith Wigglesworth said, “Faith is an act.”

“But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the word, this man shall be blessed in his deed.” (James 1:25)

What do you look at when you look in the mirror? You look at yourself. In other words, James is saying that if you hear the Word, but you don’t do it, it is like looking in the mirror, going your way, and forgetting what you look like!

Confession: I am not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the Word. I act like the Bible is true. I am blessed!

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Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.
(James 1:21)

The Word doesn’t work unless it is implanted on the inside of you.
Mark Hankins

James 1:21was written to believers. This must mean that after you are born again, your soul still isn’t saved. Your soul is made up of your mind, your will, and your emotions. Even after you are born again, you still have to get your soul saved.

James says to receive the Word with meekness. In other words, humble yourself and be teachable. The engrafted Word has the ability to save, deliver, restore, and make your soul (your mind, will, and emotions) whole.

Why does James call the Word the engrafted Word? The Word will not work for you unless it is implanted on the inside of you. How do you get it implanted? By acknowledging every good thing that is in you in Christ. In other words, you stick with it and keep feeding and meditating on the Word. God already deposited every good thing in you when you were born again, but it is up to you to acknowledge what you have in Christ.

Confession: I lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save my soul!

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But of him [of God] are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. (1 Corinthians 1:30)

To make wisdom effective in your life, you must acknowledge it.
Mark Hankins

Wisdom is God’s way of thinking. God doesn’t necessarily think the way you do, and He doesn’t always see things the way you see them. If you want to see yourself the way God sees you, get the Word out and see what He says about you. Wisdom has to do with the revelation of all that God has done for you in the death burial, and resurrection of Christ.

Jesus is made unto you righteousness, which is right standing with God. Once you are born again, you have the same standing with God that Jesus has. Jesus is made unto you sanctification, which is separation from the world and dedication to God. What Jesus has begun in your life, He will bring to full completion. He is the author and the finisher of your faith. Hallelujah!

Confession: I thank God that I am in Christ Jesus and He is made unto me wisdom. I don’t have to go through life with my own thinking, my own plans, my own ways, or my own ideas. Jesus is made unto me wisdom. I have God’s thoughts, His ways, His plans, and His ideas!

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And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. (Matthew 16:16)

You need to find your identity from God; you are an individual created to reflect His glory.
Mark Hankins

In Acts 19, the seven sons of Sceva, without having a relationship with Jesus (which would give them authority to use His name), tried to use the name of Jesus to cast out evil spirits. An evil spirit said to them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?” Because they didn’t know their identity in Christ, the scripture says, “The evil spirit…leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.” (Acts 19:16) It is important to understand who you are in Christ because the devil knows if you know your identity.

The devil will do everything he can to steal the Word from you to keep you from understanding your new identity in Christ. He wants you to see yourself in the natural. He will even get you to study your family tree, which never produced anything but a bunch of nuts! You need to find your identity from God. You are an individual created to reflect His glory.

Confession: I am a totally different person In Christ then when I was born. I was created to reflect His glory!

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