Living By Faith


In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Colossians 2:3)

Wisdom and knowledge are more valuable than money.
Mark Hankins

The treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Him are hidden or stored up just for you. They are not hidden from you; they are hidden for you. In other words, God is not going to take all these wonderful things and lay them out in the street.

God has a secret place where He has hidden them for people who receive Jesus. You have access into the secret place where all are stored. Whatever knowledge, direction, understanding, and wisdom you need about your marriage, your children, your finances, or your future is stored up in Christ.

The Good News Bible says, “He is the key that opens all the hidden treasures of God’s wisdom and knowledge.” Wisdom and knowledge are more valuable than money. If you get the money without the wisdom, you will not keep the money long. But if you get wisdom, you can get money no matter what happens or where you go.

Confession: I have wisdom in Christ. Jesus is the key that opens all the hidden treasures of God’s wisdom and knowledge. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God…and it shall be given him.”

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But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

Your giving will tap into God’s riches in glory.
Mark Hankins

Paul said to the Philippian believers, “Because you gave, and gave again, I have all and abound.” Their giving tapped into God’s riches in glory.

Some of God’s paydays are better than money! You can see the same principle with Cornelius in Acts 10. He was a devout man that feared God. He gave “much alms to the people, and prayed to God always.” (Acts 10:2) His prayers and his giving came up as a memorial before God and the glory of God came to his family. Cornelius and his whole house were filled with the Holy Spirit.

We are living in days of great glory when the glory and the goodness of God break into our lives on a scale that is unprecedented. Whenever we say, “Glory!” we are including all of the goodness of God. One commentary defined the glory as including wealth, numbers, commerce, power, wisdom, promotion, superiority, dignity, authority, nobility, splendor, valor, magnificence, extraordinary privileges, and advantages. Jesus came to restore the glory that God intended for us to have!

Confession: My giving taps into God’s riches in glory! Praise God! His paydays are better than money!

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The eyes of your understanding being enlightened… (Ephesians 1:18)

The more revelation we receive of God’s goodness toward us, the deeper our level of consecration or dedication will be. Mark Hankins

Reverend Kenneth E. (Dad) Hagin ministered in my Dad’s church time and time again. He would open his Bible to Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1:17-23 and say, “This is not a prayer for sinners or for the lost; Paul is praying for Spirit-filled believers.  This is a prayer that all believers should pray!”

After teaching on this prayer, he stressed, “If you are not happy with your life, if you want life to be different for you, then pray this prayer for at least six months. Don’t pray it one week and then skip a week. Pray this prayer at least once a day, every single day for six months. Pray it over and over again. Just stick with it until something happens. If you do that, life will be different for you. The first thing that will happen is that the Bible will become a different book to you.”

Confession: May the eternal wisdom make me wise. May all the veils be torn away, so far as that may be in this life, and the full glory of the Revelation come flooding in upon me, so that my knowledge may be directed to the true end.(Ephesians 1:17-18 Carpenter Translation)

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That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him… (Ephesians 1:17)

I want to know how God created this world… I want to know His thoughts;
the rest are details. Albert Einstein

On October 14, 1947, Captain Charles E. “Chuck” Yeager became the first person to fly faster than the speed of sound. With this historic flight, Yeager ushered in the beginning of America’s launch into outer space and NASA’s modern space shuttle program.

Breaking the sound barrier also broke the fear of the unknown. Yeager later described his supersonic flight as “A poke through jell-o,” “Sipping lemonade on the front porch,” and “A perfectly paved speedway.” The real barrier was not in the sky; it was in man’s lack of knowledge regarding supersonic flight.

Christians often face challenges and barriers in doing God’s will. Even the most difficult barriers can be broken, and believers can go to places in God they have never been. The Apostle Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1 contains the necessary ingredients for every Christian to breakthrough any barriers they face. Paul called this necessary ingredient the “spirit of wisdom and revelation.”

Confession: I have the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ!

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And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ,
the Son of the living God. (Matthew 16:16)

Revelation that comes from God changes your identity.
Mark Hankins

In Matthew 16:15, Jesus asked the disciples, “But whom say ye that I am?” Peter answered Jesus and said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus told Peter, “You did not learn this through your five senses; you learned it through revelation knowledge.” The Father God revealed to Peter Who Jesus Christ is. When Simon Peter received this revelation knowledge of who Jesus is — the Christ, the Son of the Living God — Jesus turned to him and said, “I’m telling you who you are, Simon. No longer will you be tossed to and fro. I am changing your name to ‘Rock.’”

Revelation that comes from God will change your identity. When Peter got a revelation of who Jesus was, Jesus then told Peter who he was. When you find out who Jesus is, you can’t walk away without Jesus telling you who you are. This revelation of Who Jesus Christ is, is essential to every believer. The foundation of the church is the revelation of Jesus.

Confession: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

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