Living By Faith


And the veil in the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.
(Mark 15:38)

God sees us in the blood of Jesus and welcomes us into His presence.
Mark Hankins

When Jesus was crucified, the veil in the temple that separated man from the Holy of Holies was torn from the top to the bottom. This signified that the Holy Place was open for every man to enter into the closest fellowship with God. In Hebrews, the Apostle Paul says that veil was the body of Jesus. When His body was broken for us, we were granted access into Christ. When His blood was
shed, we were accepted in Christ. In Him we have the closest fellowship with the Father God. The veil in the temple was the body of Jesus and we are in Christ. When He was wounded we were engrafted into Him. Now we are new creatures in Christ.

Through the blood of the everlasting covenant you will be made perfect in every good work to do His will. You will be launched into a new level of victory and blessing as you apply the blood constantly with boldness and full assurance of faith! (Hebrews 10:19-25)

Confession: I have been granted access to the Father by the blood of Jesus. I am the righteousness of God in Christ!

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By the blood (that sealed, ratified) the everlasting agreement (covenant, testament). Strengthen (complete, perfect) and make you what you ought to be and equip you with everything good that you may carry out His will. (Hebrews 13:20-21)

You will be launched into a new level of victory and blessing as you apply the blood.
Mark Hankins

When we look at the New Testament, we see a full printout of the ingredients that are in the blood of Jesus. We can see what God sees in the blood. In order to purchase a million dollar life insurance policy, a sample of your blood would be required before you would be approved for the policy. They would send the blood to the lab to study it. Under powerful microscopes they would see what ingredients are in your blood. A few days later you would receive a full-page printout with a detailed description of what is in your blood.

A thorough investigation of the blood of Jesus reveals every necessary ingredient for full salvation. There is righteousness, forgiveness, redemption, sanctification, healing, victory, blessing, boldness, prosperity, and power in the blood of Jesus!

Confession: Through the blood of Jesus, I am strengthened and equipped with everything good that I may carry out His will!

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The blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin. (1 John 1:7)

God wants you to apply the blood of Jesus to your life in every situation and smell like the triumph of Christ.
Mark Hankins

Several years ago on one of our family vacations, I decided to drive through a wild animal park in Oklahoma. We purchased some small buckets of feed to give to the various animals as we drove through. A llama came strolling up and I began to feed him out of my bucket. All of a sudden, he forced his whole head in the window and ate out of my bucket with his whole head in my lap. The llama pulled his head out of the bucket and sneezed in my van! Llama spit and snot and slimy stuff went all across the front dash and on our clothes!

Sin and Satan are the same way. When the devil gets his head in your life, he will not leave until he has sneezed on you and made a mess. Jesus shed His blood, died, and rose from the dead to undo all that the devil has done. God not only wants to get the devil’s head out and clean up the mess, but He also wants you to be free from the smell of the past. God does not want you to smell like sin, failure, guilt, and shame.

Confession: The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. Thank God for the Blood of Jesus!

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Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ and maketh manifest the savour of His knowledge by us in every place.
(2 Corinthians 2:14)

God is your heavenly Father, and He is glorified when you reflect His life, joy, and victory!
Mark Hankins

God does not want His children to live with a continual consciousness of sin, failure, defeat, weakness, guilt, and inferiority. As a father of two children, I know I don’t want my children to live that way. This does not mean that you won’t have challenges. You live in a world that is full of adversity, but you are overcomers because you are born of God. (1 John 5:4) Instead of a sense of sin or guilt, you should have a sense of righteousness and triumph.

The Apostle Paul was shipwrecked, snake-bit, beaten in the head, and left for dead, yet he came out saying, “I am more than a conqueror in Christ.” (Romans 8:37) He came out smelling like a rose with victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil. Paul saw himself in Christ.

God wants you to smell like the triumph of Christ. This means you have to live in the consciousness and with the confession of who you are in Christ.

Confession: I am more than a conqueror in Christ. I have victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil!

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It is in and through Christ and the sacrifice of His life that we have been liberated. (Ephesians 1:7 Barclay)

Everything Satan has done in Adam, God has reversed in Christ.
Mark Hankins

The Gospel is the good news that man has been given eternal life through Jesus Christ. That life is the very life of God imparted to His children. It is healing life, overcoming life, reigning life, victorious life and it is the blessed life now- not just for when you get to heaven. It is heaven’s life flowing in you in this world.

God has targeted His power at man’s deepest needs– spirit, soul, and body. God knows the root of your problems, and He has effectually focused His power there. The word “salvation” has a five-fold meaning: deliverance, healing, safety, preservation, and soundness. This is not just a “heaven” message; it is an “earth” message as well.

The Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes. (Romans 1:16) Someone said that if you think you need more power, you really just need more Gospel. The Gospel is the power of God. The word “gospel” means glad tidings or good news. The Gospel is where God has released His power for the purpose of producing salvation.

Confession: I have eternal life. It is healing life, reigning life, victorious life, overcoming life, and blessing life!

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