Living By Faith


Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit. (Zechariah 4:6)

If you are fighting everything in the natural, you are going to lose!
Mark Hankins

You give the devil the most trouble when you sit down! Take your place first of all in Christ, in the finished work of redemption, and sit down. If you are fighting everything in the natural, you are going to lose. So take your place in the Spirit in Christ and sit down.

Christ is the head, and you are in His body. You have the same righteousness, the same life, the same victory, and the same authority Christ has. Satan is far below you, and you are far above him. You had better get your binoculars out to see him because he is so far below you!

You can deal with life from a different perspective now. You can deal with your problems from a position of triumph and victory, not from a place of trying to get the victory. You are not helpless, hopeless, or trying to make something work. You should picture yourself as a believer seated at the right hand of God.

Confession: I am taking my place. I am going to sit down right now, and I am going to rest in what Jesus has already done. I do not need to fight in this battle. God fights in the battle and gives me the victory!

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He gave us life together with Christ. And hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
(Ephesians 2:5-6 Phillips)

Before you can stand against the wiles of the devil and walk the Christian walk, you must learn how to sit.
Mark Hankins

A few years ago, Watchman Nee wrote a little book called Sit, Walk, and Stand. It is a short but powerful book about the book of Ephesians. There is a very simple progression here: sit, walk, and stand. People want to stand against the devil as described in Ephesians 6. They want to learn how to walk the Christian walk as outlined in Ephesians 4, but they have never learned how to sit as described in Ephesians 2.

You must take your place in the finished work of Christ. By “finished,” I mean Jesus has already done everything He is going to do about the devil, your righteousness, and your victory in life. He has already (past tense) taken care of it. Jesus has defeated the devil, spoiled him, stripped him, disarmed him, established your righteousness, given you victory, and sat down. God has already taken care of your victory in life. You do not have to do it. All you have to do is sit down!

Confession: God has already taken care of the devil, my righteousness, and my victory in life! I am sitting down!

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I consider myself as having died and now enjoying a second existence, which is simply Jesus using my body. (Galatians 2:20 Distilled Bible)

You have an identical condition with Christ; He took your place in His death.
Mark Hankins

Paul understood that Christ lives in you and me. What does this mean? It means you have the same righteousness, the same life, the same power, the same triumph, the same spirit, the same stuff, and the same blessing Christ has. You are an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. You are joined to Him. Your spirit is joined to Christ. This makes it difficult to be defeated, doesn’t it? Paul understood that Christ lives in you and me.

Jesus was made to be sin for us on the cross. He took our sin. He died our death, and He took our place. When you see the cross, you see man’s condition in Adam, which is man’s condition outside of God. Man is a sinner separated from God. Jesus died the death of the sinner; He was treated the same as a sinner would be in the sight of God.

He took the same condition you had, so when He was raised from the dead, you could have that identical condition. He took your place in His death, thereby giving you the same life He has in His resurrection.

Confession: I have the same righteousness, the same life, the same power, the same triumph, the same spirit, the same stuff, and the same blessing Christ has!

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The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth forever: forsake not the works of thine own hands. (Psalm 138:8)

God is a champion at “putting” people in the right direction.
Mark Hankins

One day, I watched a championship golf match on television. One of the greatest golfers in the world stood on the green needing to make a very critical putt. He walked around the green and viewed the location of the ball from several different angles. He carefully prepared to putt as the crowd watched almost breathlessly. When he hit the ball, it looked like he putted the wrong way!

Amazingly, the ball turned and headed right into the hole. As the crowd cheered, I sat there amazed that he had made the putt. However, from my view, I could not see the lay of the land on the green. The golfer judged it perfectly and the ball landed right in the hole.

Every man or woman in Christ has a definite trajectory of faith and destiny. When it looks like God is putting you the wrong way, remember — He is a champion. He is able, by His Spirit, to get you in the right place at the right time to fulfill the call of God on your life.

Confession: God is “putting” me in the right direction. He is a champion. The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me. (Psalm 138:8)

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Lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities…Behold your God! (Isaiah 40:9)

When you speak, there is an identical voice of faith. It sounds like the voice of God.
Mark Hankins

A number of years ago I called my brother’s church. The secretary mistook my voice for his voice because we’re brothers and there is a genetic similarity. She immediately said, “Pastor Mike.” When she said that, I thought I would take advantage of the situation and said, “You know, I really love my brother Mark a lot and would like to express my appreciation to him in a more tangible way. I want you to send my brother Mark a check for $10,000.” The secretary got real quiet on the other end of the phone because she thought I was Mike. Then I said, “I’m just kidding, this is Mark.”

I realized my voice, because of the genetic connection, gave me access to his checking account. That’s why God says, “Lift up your voice and speak.” There is a genetic connection between you and Jesus Christ. There is authority, healing, deliverance, victory, and blessing in your voice.

Confession: I lift up my voice in faith and victory! Mountains have to move! I have authority, healing, deliverance, victory, and blessing in my voice!

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