Living By Faith


…full recognition and appreciation and understanding and precise knowledge of every good [thing] that is ours in [our identification with] Christ Jesus. (Philemon 6 Amplified)

Never run at your giant with your mouth shut! Mark Hankins

You need a bold confession of who you are in Christ. Faith must have a bold confession in order to work properly. E.W. Kenyon said, “The reason that the majority of Christians are weak, though they are earnest, yet they are weak, is because they have never dared to make a confession of what they are in Christ.”

In 1 Samuel 17, David made some bold declarations as he ran toward Goliath. He was no longer just thinking of himself; he had identified with Almighty God. He had declared his covenant with God. David did not go to the battlefield and say, “I am going to see what will happen today.” No, David declared ahead of time that the victory was his.

You must acknowledge who you are in Christ for your faith to work. Just like David, you too can declare ahead of time that victory is yours in Christ!

Confession: Victory is mine in Christ! I am identified with Christ, the triumph of Christ, the risen Christ. I reign in victory with Him!

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That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. (Philemon 6)

Your life becomes a great testimony to others as they see the wonderful benefits that belong to the believer! Mark Hankins

No good thing comes from walking or following after the flesh. On the other hand, every good thing is available to you as you follow after the Spirit in Christ. Believers should acknowledge every good thing that is in them in Christ.

There are many benefits that are ours in Christ. The Fenton translation of Philemon 6 says, “so that your advance in the faith may become energetic by recognition of every benefit there is for us in Christ.” Would you like to advance in faith? You do not want to be the same next year at this time or next month at this time, do you? You need to take some steps forward by acknowledging who you are in Christ!

Confession: I am righteous in Christ. I am blessed in Christ. Victory is mine in Him. I am not trying to get it or hoping to get it, it is mine now! I am in Christ and Christ is in me!

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That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. (Philemon 6)

In all of your teaching and preaching, you must always leave people with the consciousness of the triumph of Christ.
John G. Lake

People think it makes God happy for them to talk about everything they are not. Would it make you happy if your kids came in every day and told you everything they are not? E. W. Kenyon said, “The reason that the majority of Christians are weak, though they are earnest, yet they are weak, is because they have never dared to make a confession of what they are in Christ.”

Some people get upset with this truth; they think they are being humble when they continually run themselves down. When a believer assumes this attitude, he is not only being ignorant, he is opening the door to the devil.

You need to acknowledge who you are in Christ and the good things that are in you because you are in Him. We know that in ourselves we can do nothing. We have already proven that! In other words, you are not really bragging on yourself; you are bragging on redemption!

Confession: I am triumphant in Christ! In Him I am redeemed. I am not trying to be, hoping to be, or going to be–in Him I am righteous now!

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For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. (2 Corinthians 1:20)

Anything God has ever promised in Christ is affirmative- no question about it!
Mark Hankins

All the promises of God in Him are “yes.” I have a pastor friend in Chicago who has a toy “yes man” sitting on his desk. He is dressed nicely in a little suit, his hair is perfect, and his smile is just right. This little “yes man” has a switch on his back and is voice-activated. Anytime my friend is having a conflict and cannot find anybody to agree with him, his “yes man” agrees with him.

Too often you put undue pressure on yourself to come up with the victory or the answer. All you need to do is agree with what God says in His Word. God is the
Genius, and you are the “yes man.”

Now look again at 2 Corinthians 1:20, “All the promises of God in him are yea.” You do not have to wonder if God might or might not want to bless you, help you, or give you what you have asked for. He said, “It is an absolute yes in Him!”

Confession: For as many as were the promises of God in Christ is the yes that fulfills them; therefore through Christ again let the Amen rise through us to the glory of God. (2 Corinthians 1:20 Twentieth Century)

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God raised us out of it all with Christ, and sat us down on the right hand of power with Him and gave us dominion. (Ephesians 2:6 Cornish)

Jesus took back the dominion that Adam lost, and you are in Him.
Mark Hankins

We live so much in the flesh that our inclination is to completely focus on taking care of natural things with our reasoning alone. When you get in the Spirit, you learn to take your place by faith and the Spirit. You can sit down and say, “Devil, you have no power over me. You have no dominion over me. I have been delivered from the power of darkness. I have been translated into the kingdom of the Son of God. I am seated with Christ and now I have authority.”

By faith, climb up in the Spirit to who you are in Christ, take the Word of God, and say, “Oh, Father God, it is so good to be seated at your right hand, to call you Daddy, and to be an heir of God and a joint-heir with Jesus Christ. Oh, Father, it is so good to fellowship with You and enjoy the benefits of heaven. I do not have to wait until I get to heaven to be blessed. I am already seated in heavenly places. I have the same life, the same joy, the same peace, the same victory, and the same blessing.”

Confession: Jesus gave me dominion. He took back the dominion that Adam lost and I am in Him!

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