For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. (Romans 3:23-24)
“You can never get any more righteous than the moment you are born again and washed in the blood of Jesus!” – Mark Hankins
Righteousness is yours through faith in the precious blood of Jesus. God has not only forgiven the sinner, but He has made him His very own righteousness. He has not only forgiven the one who believes in Jesus, but He has forgotten that he has ever done anything wrong. (Isaiah 43:25-26) You are not only forgiven, but you have been recreated with God’s own righteousness imparted to you. We have been recreated in righteousness.
Jesus has given you His standing with the Father God. Jesus has let you share His place with God. Your place of righteousness is in Christ. In Him you are free from the power, control, and effects of sin. In Him you have confidence in the presence of God. In Christ and by faith in His blood, you have boldness not only before God, but also before your adversary, the devil, who comes to accuse you. You are a righteous new creature!
Confession: In Christ I am free from guilt and shame! In Him I am free from inferiority and unworthiness!