Living By Faith


Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin… For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.  (Romans 6:6,14)

“The blood of Jesus made us a new creation in Christ.” –Mark Hankins

Our lives change when we receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation! Where we once experienced defeat, we now experience victory! 

Romans 6:6 in the Richert Translation says, “…our former evil identities have been executed, so to speak. Our old rebel selves were exterminated and that leaves us no further role to perform as offenders. We were linked with the Divine Representative in death.”

We will overcome any barriers in our lives by the redemptive revelation of who we are in Christ. Romans 6:14 in the KnoxTranslation says, “Sin will not be able to play the master over you any longer.”  The Wood Translation says, “Sin shall not be tyrant over you.” We can have a revolutionary revelation and walk in the light of what God has done for us in Christ.  The tyrannical masters that once ruled our lives will rule no more!

Confession: Sin does not have dominion over me. I am walking in the light of what God has done for me in Christ Jesus!

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In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of Him. (Ephesians3:12)

“To access all that God has done for us in Christ will take the spirit of wisdom and revelation.” – Mark Hankins

We can approach the Father God boldly because of what Jesus did for us in His death, burial, and resurrection. God has already done everything He is going to do for us in Christ. Our redemption is a finished, complete work.

We have been permanently released and delivered from the power of the devil by the blood of Jesus. We need this redemptive revelation so we can walk in the fullness of all that God has called us to in His kingdom.

Jesus Christ Himself gave the Apostle Paul this redemptive revelation.“For in either received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 1:12) This redemptive revelation is the key for believers. If we are to access the call of God, the inheritance that is ours in Christ, and the authority of the believer, we must have a redemptive revelation of God!

Confession: I can approach the Father God boldly because of what Jesus did for me in His death, burial, and resurrection. I can come fearlessly right into God’s presence, assured of His glad welcome! (Ephesians 3:12 | TLB)

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Neither bthe blood of goats and calves, but bhis own blood he entered in onceintotheholyplace…(Hebrews9:12)

“The language of redemption is the language of victory, blessing, and salvation; it is the language of God.”  -Mark Hankins

We read in Exodus 17:6 that God told Moses to strike the rock in Horeb, and water would come out of it. Moses did what the Lord commanded and water gushed out to supply the whole nation of Israel as they went through the wilderness. 

The next time they needed water, God told Moses to speak to the rock. (Numbers 20:7-12) But Moses was angry, and he smote the rock twice instead. Not only did Moses disobey God when he smote the rock, but he also destroyed the parallel between the Rock, which is Christ, and the picture of our redemption. The Rock, Jesus, was smitten once on the cross two thousand years ago!

Now when you speak to the Rock, the water will freely flow. As you speak the Word of God, there is full provision for your every need.  So speak to the Rock.  The Promised Land is yours today!

Confession: Jesus is the Rock. I can speak to Him,my Rock, and receive provision for every need. What Jesus did once was done so well that it will never have to be done again. 

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According to your faith be it unto you. (Matthew 9:29)


“We need to acknowledge every good thing that is ours in Christ!” – Mark Hankins


The devil is good at pointing out your flaws. When you are confronted with your imperfections, don’t allow yourself to doubt your authenticity in Christ!

I recently talked with a jeweler who said that all diamonds have a flaw somewhere that can be seen by the trained eye using a magnifying glass. However, the fake diamonds, cubic zirconium, are flawless. They are man-made. They look like diamonds but they are much cheaper; they have only a fraction of the value of a real diamond.

You are valuable to God. You are a real diamond, not a cubic zirconium! God sees you in Christ. He will keep working with you if you keep a spirit of faith and seek Him with all of your heart. You don’t have to be perfect to have a spirit of faith.


Confession: I have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! It is God who works in me both to will and to do of His good pleasure! I am valuable to God! (II Corinthians 5:21; Philippians 2:13)

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Through the blood of his cross…you are reconciled to God by Him…In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight. (Colossians 1:20-22)


“We, as believers, are accepted into the presence of God, having perfect fellowship with the Father God because of what Christ has done for us.” – Mark Hankins


We honor the blood of Jesus as we lift our voice in faith declaring what it has accomplished and what it is accomplishing. The spoken Word of God is the voice of the Blood Covenant. Every Word has blood in it. The blood must be applied by faith.

According to your faith so be it unto you. There is no such thing as passive faith.  Faith acts like the Bible is true. Live by faith and continually apply the blood.  There is power in the blood.

God sees us in Christ. We have full assurance of faith to go right into the very presence of God because we have been washed in the blood of Jesus. We are in Christ by faith in the blood of Jesus. Let us honor the blood of Jesus and confess daily who we are and what we have in Christ Jesus.


Confession: I have faith in the blood of Jesus. In Christ I have redemption through His blood! (Colossians 1:14)

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