Through the blood of his cross… you are reconciled to God by Him… In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight. (Colossians 1:20-22)
We, as believers, are accepted into the presence of God, having perfect fellowship with the Father God because of what Christ has done for us. Mark Hankins
We honor the blood of Jesus as we lift our voice in faith declaring what it has accomplished and what it is accomplishing. The spoken Word of God is the voice of the Blood Covenant. Every Word has blood in it. The blood must be applied by faith.
According to your faith so be it unto you. There is no such thing as passive faith. Faith acts like the Bible is true. Live by faith and continually apply theblood. There is power in the blood.
God sees us in Christ. We have full assurance of faith to go right into the very presence of God because we have been washed in the blood of Jesus. We are in Christ by faith in the blood of Jesus. Let us honor the blood of Jesus and confess daily who we are and what we have in Christ Jesus.
Confession: I have faith in the blood of Jesus. In Christ I have redemption through His blood! (Colossians 1:14)