Living By Faith


For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14)

Our prayers, faith, and giving tap into God’s treasury…GLORY!
Mark Hankins

The Old Testament word for glory is kabod. It simply means heavy. The best way to see it is heavy or loaded with the goodness of God. In 2 Chronicles 5 & 7, as the people praised God saying, “The Lord is good and his mercy endureth forever,” the glory filled the temple. Heavy filled the house and the priests could not stand up. The manifested presence of God filled the temple. That is why today we can be so filled with the glory of God that we get loaded with God’s goodness; we get saturated with the life of God.

The New Testament word for glory is doxa. It is the light of the Gospel that shines and dispels all darkness and all the works of the devil!

Our prayers, faith, and giving tap into God’s treasury…GLORY! My God shall supply all of your need according to His riches in GLORY by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

Confession: The glory of God loads me with His goodness and is the light of the Gospel that shines and dispels all darkness and all the works of the devil in my life!

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At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in Me, and I in you.
(John 14:20)

Anytime Satan tries to take a bite out of you, he hits a “blueberry.”
Mark Hankins

When I order blueberry pancakes in a restaurant, I always ask this question: “Are the blueberries on the pancakes or are the blueberries in the pancakes?” I don’t want just regular pancakes with a spoonful of blueberries on top from a can. I want the blueberries in the mix. I want the blueberries to be cooked in the pancakes, and then I want more blueberries on the pancakes. That means I can’t take a bite without hitting a blueberry!

As a born again believer, you have the Spirit of God — the Holy Spirit — living on the inside of you. When the devil brings persecution or trouble to you, God says, “Life can’t take a bite out of you without hitting me.”

When the devil hits you, say, “Devil, what does it feel like to hit a blueberry?” The life of God is in you and upon you, so much so that if a mosquito bit you, it would fly off singing, “There’s power in the blood!”

Confession: I have the life of God inside of me. I’ve got the Spirit of God living in me. Jesus lives in me. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in me! (Romans 8:11)

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I pray that your inward eyes may be illumined… (Ephesians 1:18 NEB)

The entire Bible is written from the spirit of wisdom and revelation.
Mark Hankins

The Apostle Paul saw something by the Spirit of wisdom and revelation that was even greater than what Moses must have seen when he wrote the book of Genesis. Paul’s letters are even different from the four Gospels. The Gospels are photographs of redemption; Paul’s letters are X-rays.

Paul was not physically there for the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, but he wrote about what happened by revelation knowledge. He saw what happened In Christ. God saw us there In Christ. We died with Him, were buried with Him, were made alive with Him, and were raised up together with Him.

The Word of God describes spiritual or unseen realities and explains the mystery of your redemption. You can read the Bible with just your intellect and read it like a regular book, or you can allow the Holy Spirit to open up revelation to you.

Confession: And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 1:19-20)

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While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18)

God wants to open a different set of eyes so you can see the unseen.
Mark Hankins

Prophets were called seers in the Old Testament because they saw things in the supernatural. In 2 Kings 6, Elisha was seeing and knew what the enemy was going to do before they ever went to battle.

One morning, Elisha’s servant woke up and realized the mountains were filled with enemy soldiers that wanted to kill Elisha. The servant, full of fear, ran in to wake up Elisha. He said, “We’re gonna die today! They’re gonna kill us! Wake up! Get up! We’re gonna die!” Elisha said to his servant, “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.”

The prophet then prayed for his servant, “Lord, I pray for you to open his eyes that he may see.” The servant then saw what Elisha saw. God had sent angels and chariots of fire that surrounded Elisha and surrounded the army. There was no reason to be afraid!

Confession: My eyes are open to the supernatural. I do not look at the things that are seen which are temporary, but at the things which are not seen which are eternal!

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And He could there do no mighty work, save that He laid His hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. And He marvelled because of their unbelief.
(Mark 6:5-6)

The spirit of faith knocks a hole from the natural to the supernatural.
Mark Hankins

We know God is able to do all things. Nothing is impossible with God! People say, “It’s up to God. If God wants to do it, God can do anything. He’s a sovereign God.” Mark 6:5 says, “And He could there do no mighty work.” If God can do anything anytime He wants to, why didn’t Jesus do it right there in His own hometown? Can you imagine Jesus being frustrated because He wanted to do a mighty work, but He couldn’t? The original Greek implies that He tried, but He couldn’t.

What is a mighty work? It is a demonstration of His power and His glory. I believe Jesus wanted to do some mighty Jubilee miracles — some mighty demonstrations of His power — but because of unbelief, He couldn’t do any mighty work. I wonder what He would say about us today?

Confession: I do not lack for faith. God is able to do all things. I believe that nothing is impossible with God. I believe that miracles — mighty works — demonstrations of His power — are manifesting in my life! (Mark 9:23)

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