Living By Faith


For how great is his goodness. (Zechariah 9:17)

The length, depth, breadth, and height of God’s goodness overwhelmed Moses. He had an experience with the Glory of God!
Mark Hankins

Can you imagine what it would be like to have God’s entire goodness pass before you? That is exactly what happened to Moses — God revealed His goodness to him. The length, depth, breadth, and height of God’s goodness overwhelmed Moses; he had an experience with the glory of God. The glory of God so changed Moses’ whole countenance that his face radiated. His face was shining! The glory of God touches and affects every aspect of your life.

I like David Baron’s commentary on Zechariah 9:17: “Goodness is that attribute of God whereby He loveth to communicate to all who can or will receive it, ALL GOOD — yea Himself, who is the fullness and universality of good, creator of all good, not in one way, not in one kind of goodness only, but absolutely, without beginning, with- out limit, without measure. This good, His goodness bestoweth on all and each, according to the capacity of each to receive it; nor is there any limit to His giving, save His creature’s capacity of receiving.”

Confession: The glory of God is the goodness of God. The goodness of God is changing my life! God is a good God!

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And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. (Galatians 5:24)

Most Christians allow their bodies to have their spirits gagged and tied up in the basement. Mark Hankins

The part of you that is born again is your spirit. It receives eternal life, but you still must do something with your mind and your body. It is possible to be saved or born again and still have your body out of whack. Your mind can still be controlled with wrong thinking. You will stay frustrated if your body or your mind is dominating your spirit.

Paul said that they that are in Christ have crucified the flesh with its affections. Crucifixion is painful. This means that you deny your body certain things it wants to do, wants to say, and wants to consume. If you do just the opposite of what your body wants, you will be pleasing God.

The Holy Spirit wants to strengthen your spirit. Then your inner man will rise up and tell your body to shut up and line up with the Word. Your spirit man — your inward man — will do this!

Confession: I am strengthened with might by the Holy Spirit in my inner man. Christ dwells in my heart by faith and I am rooted and grounded in love. I am filled with all the fullness of God! (Ephesians 3:16-19)

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Great peace have they which love thy law; and nothing shall offend them. (Psalm 119:165)

Remember-forgiveness is not a feeling; it is a choice! Mark Hankins

The word offense means a place of stumbling; something that trips you up. When you love the Lord, the peace of God is yours, and you decide that nothing is going to trip you up. Jesus said the amount of forgiveness you dish out is the amount you will get in return. (Matthew 7:2) Therefore you ought to dish out as much forgiveness as you can, because you’ll probably need it!

Be careful not to judge others when you see them fall in a certain area of life. Don’t say, “I would never do that,” because in six months, you’ll do something worse than that! Jesus said in Matthew 7:1, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” Then He said, “Stop criticizing others.”

We don’t live in a perfect world and we never will. People will always make mistakes; you will too. So you may as well go ahead and forgive others! I encourage you to read 1 Corinthians 13. Then draw the love line out and walk on it!

Confession: Love (God’s love in us)…takes no account of the evil done to it (it pays no attention to a suffered wrong. (1 Corinthians 13:5 AMP)

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Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. (Proverbs 4:23 NKJV)

Watch out for unforgiveness as if it were a rattlesnake! Mark Hankins

Jesus said, “When you stand praying, forgive.” (Mark 11:25-26) This means while you are standing in prayer, you can quickly make an adjustment in your heart. People often let things eat at them for years and years, but you can make a decision to forgive right now. Forgiveness is not a feeling; it’s a choice. You may still have feelings of hurt, but the decision has been made! You can forgive by faith.

Faith is of the heart; therefore unforgiveness is a disease of the heart. That spirit will get inside of you and make your heart callused so your faith won’t respond or work properly. Then you will get cynical, and you won’t be able to receive from God.

Unforgiveness – offense and bitterness – is the primary thing you have to guard against. You must watch out for unforgiveness just as if it were a rattlesnake. When you see it come around, avoid it!

Confession: I stand watchful and ready to quickly forgive. For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. (Psalm 86:5)

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Looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled. (Hebrews 12:15 NKJV)

The cure for certain diseases is forgiveness! Mark Hankins

I believe that we will never find a cure for certain diseases because all diseases are not simply physical or biological. Some have their roots in a curse that comes from breaking a spiritual law. That means the devil is the source of it all!

Guard against bitterness. Remember, unforgiveness is the greatest enemy to your faith so you must deal with it quickly. When the devil tries to trick you into being unforgiving or bitter because of an injustice, all kinds of incurable diseases may result. You might not have done anything to be in the pit you are in, but you must forgive. Medicine will not be able to cure some diseases because the cure for them is spiritual. Sometimes you will have to deal with something in your heart before you can receive your healing. The cure for certain diseases is forgiveness!

Confession: I will obey the Word of God. It is life and health to my flesh. I will guard my heart, for out of it springs the issues of life! (Proverbs 4:22-23)

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