For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him. (Job 23:14)
The champion enters the ring with a different attitude than the challenger. Mark Hankins
Theologians tell us that the trials we read about in Job lasted less than a year. Job had a bad year, but when you read the last chapter, you find that the Lord gave him twice as much as he had before! Job had some challenges, but he came out the champion!
The Lord said it to me this way: “You will have challenges in life, but you are not the challenger; you are the champion.” The challenger is trying to get something. The champion, on the other hand, says, “I’ve got something.” Every champion faces challengers who try to steal their victory. Satan is the god of this world who does nothing but lie, destroy, and steal. He’s a challenger, but a defeated one!
Jesus said, “In the world ye shall have tribulation [difficulty]: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) You aren’t exempt from challenges. However once you know who you are in Christ, and understand that Christ is in you, you will always overcome. Satan may cause some issues, but like Job, you can smile and say, “God performs things for me!”
Confession: I have the attitude of a champion! In every challenge, I am an overcomer because Christ overcame the world and He dwells in me! (John 16:33)