Living By Faith


For he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak. (John 16:13)

If you hang out with the Holy Ghost, He will show you things to come about your life and future. Mark Hankins

What does it mean, “Whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak”? Who does the Holy Spirit hang out with? He hangs out with the Father and the Son, so whatever He hears them say is what He says. Verse 13 concludes,“and he will shew you things to come.”

If you want to know what is happening, you do not have to call the psychic network and ask, “What do you see in my future?” I see you going broke if you stay on that line very long! Four dollars a minute, yet you come to church and put in a dollar. You need another slap! You would pay four dollars a minute to talk to a lying devil? If it’s not a devil, it’s a fool who looks under cards! When someone from Louisiana calls they say, “I see squirrel hunting in your future. I see crawdads in your future.” That’s ridiculous!

Be still and get with the Holy Ghost; talk to Him. Worship God and worship Jesus, then say, “Holy Spirit, help me read the Word. Show me things to come. I don’t want to miss the will of God for my life. Help me.”

Confession: The Holy Spirit is my Helper. As I listen, He will show me the will of God for my life!

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Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth; for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. (John 16:13)

The Holy Spirit never brings condemnation. He always reveals the blood of Jesus. He always lifts and helps.
Smith Wigglesworth

The Holy Spirit will keep you from reading the Word with your head alone. He wants to show you the Bible in the light of redemption. He will show you the weightier matters and things that are of first importance. The Holy Spirit will help you read your Bible. He will show you the things that are the most important. He won’t take something out of context and mess your head up with it. The devil can quote the Bible and get you all messed up. But the Holy Spirit will show you the whole picture. He will show you who you are and what you have in Christ.

Every person can have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. The moment you are born again, you pass from death to life, and the Spirit of God comes to live on the inside of you.

Confession: Thank God for the Holy Ghost! I have passed from death to life and the Spirit of God is living on the inside of me!

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Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (John 16:14)

Every person can have a relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Mark Hankins

You have a partner to walk out your new life with in Christ. His name is the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. If you would listen to Him, He would keep you out of a lot of trouble — trouble in business, in relationships, and in church.

In John 16:14, Jesus describes the work of the Holy Ghost as the Spirit of Truth. You may be thinking, “Truth doesn’t excite me.” What does? The casino? Remember, they didn’t build that place with winners! They are even glad when you win because you will stick around and lose another $5,000. Then you will go to church and not even pay your tithes. You need a slap on the head!

As you read your Bible, you need to invite your Holy Spirit partner by saying, “Holy Spirit, let’s read the Bible. Help me and guide me into all truth. Show me something, Holy Spirit.” Since the Holy Spirit wrote it, He ought to know what it means!

Confession: The Holy Spirit is my partner. He will help me to walk out my new life with Christ. He will guide me into all truth!

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For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
(Philippians 2:13)

When you are born again, you move out of the devil’s territory and you are relocated to a new place in Christ. Mark Hankins

Throughout the Bible, we see God moving men and women into the proper orbit to be used by Him. You can see this in the life of Abraham. Abraham had to do some moving. He had to make some adjustments so he could receive and transmit. God is constantly working with people to change their thinking, speaking, and acting, in order to open up the miraculous for them.

God wants to bless you. He wants to make you a blessing. He has some “rockets” to help you move into position to see His glory. He has given His Word, the Holy Spirit, and the five-fold ministry gifts to help you make adjustments. It takes some changes to get the glory, and it takes the glory to get some changes. You are being changed so you can fit and function in the proper orbit and realize your full potential in Christ.

Confession: It is God that is working in me both to will and to do of his good pleasure. He is changing my thinking, speaking, and acting. I am being changed so that I can realize my full potential in Christ!

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…and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. (Isaiah 10:27)

The anointing stands up to whatever challenges you are facing, whether they are mental, physical, emotional, or relational.
Mark Hankins

What is a yoke? A yoke is something than attaches you to a weight. The devil will try to wrap things around you, chain you up, lock you down, and get you underneath some load or burden. Satan is the oppressor and wants to keep you bound, but the anointing destroys the yoke and everything the devil tries to put on you. When you begin to acknowledge every good thing that is in you in Christ, the anointing empowers you to overcome.

Where does the anointing come from? You can receive it from someone else, but you can also let the anointing rise up from inside of you — from your spirit.

The anointing responds to faith! Your faith will function as you acknowledge every good thing that is in you in Christ, and it will pull on that anointing. In Christ, that anointing will rise up on the inside of you and meet the challenge.

Confession: I am not quitting. I am not giving up. Whatever God has called me to do, I can do. I am in Christ, the Anointed One, and He lives in me! I cannot be defeated!

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