Living By Faith


For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries. (1 Corinthians 16:9)

The devil is not trying to stop just you; he is after the eggs you are carrying.
Mark Hankins

The salmon is known as a fish with a fighting spirit. They challenge the strong current, rapids, rocks, and even bears to reach their destination. God put a remarkable Global Positioning System in salmon that enables them to travel as far as 2,000 miles to locate the exact stream where they were born. They go up that particular stream, lay their eggs, and fertilize them. There are also bears in the streams trying to catch the salmon and end their journey. The bears are actually after the salmon for their eggs because they like to eat the eggs more than the fish.

The remarkable story of the salmon is similar to the life of faith and the fight of faith. God has an exact destiny for you. When we finish the course God has designed for us and lay the eggs He has given us; our lives are multiplied a million times and reach the next generation!

Confession: God can get me in the right place, at the right time, with the right people! I have a spirit of faith to overcome any adversity that comes against me!

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For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. (James 2:26)

Faith will not move anything until it moves you. The first part of you that your faith will move is your mouth!
Mark Hankins

In my psychology class, we learned that reasoning will not change an emotion, but action will. In other words, you can’t feel your way into better behavior, but you can behave your way into better feelings. God created us so that actions are stronger than feelings. Faith is an act. By faith we access the grace of God. Just a little bit of faith can access a whole lot of grace.

God has already done everything He is going to do about our salvation, our healing, our deliverance, and our blessing. Jesus paid it all and then sat down. Now it is our move — we have to know what He’s done for us and act in faith on the Word of God.

Many churches are full of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and prepositions but God is looking for verbs. He is looking for people who will believe and will act in faith.

Confession: Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth. (Mark 9:23)

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Didn’t I tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?
(John 11:40 Message Bible)

One act of faith will open up the supernatural and
cause the glory of God to come in.
Mark Hankins

I remember the first time I went into an airport bathroom where the faucets were motion activated. I stood there looking for a handle or a pedal or something to turn on the water. It looked like the plumbing and the sink was there, but there were no handles. While I stood there trying to figure this out, a man walked into the restroom and waved his hand under the water faucet. Immediately, water began to come out. I stood there thinking I had just seen a miracle. That’s when I looked up and saw a sign on the wall that said, “Equipment is motion activated.”

In other words, God said, “Salvation is here, healing is here, deliverance is here, and I am just waiting for someone to say, ‘I believe that’ and to act in faith.” While you are praising, rejoicing, and dancing around, the water begins to flow. Salvation, healing, and deliverance come — they are motion activated.

Confession: Salvation is here! Healing is here! Deliverance is here! As I act in faith and rejoice, I believe that I will see the glory of God in my life!

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…so that I might finish my course with joy. (Acts 20:24)

Faith cranks God’s tractor
Mark Hankins

When you look at the life of the Apostle Paul, you will see a man that God had perfectly “putt” to a divine calling and destiny. You can see the genius of God as you observe the many turning points in the trajectory of Paul’s life. You will also notice the spirit of faith working to overcome adversity. Paul had been stoned, shipwrecked, snake-bit, beat in the head, and left for dead. He could have said he was a tired, mistreated, lonely, disappointed, and hurting man, but that’s not how Paul didn’t described himself. Instead, Paul said he was a happy man.

Towards the end of his life, Paul stood before the leaders of the Roman Empire and said, “I think myself happy” (Acts 26:2). Another translation says, “I have been congratulating myself, King Agrippa.”

Paul’s spirit of faith carried him to his divine destination. He finished his course with joy and completed the assignment given to him by Jesus Christ. He enjoyed the journey in spite of all the adversity he faced. Faith gets happy now!

Confession: I will finish my course with joy. In spite of adversity, the joy of the Lord is my strength! (Nehemiah 8:10)

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The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth forever: forsake not the works of thine own hands. (Psalm 138:8)

God is a champion at “putting” people in the right direction.
Mark Hankins

One day, I watched a championship golf match on television. One of the greatest golfers in the world stood on the green needing to make a very critical putt. He walked around the green and viewed the location of the ball from several different angles. He carefully prepared to putt as the crowd watched almost breathlessly. When he hit the ball, it looked like he putted the wrong way!

Amazingly, the ball turned and headed right into the hole. As the crowd cheered, I sat there amazed that he had made the putt. However, from my view, I could not see the lay of the land on the green. The golfer judged it perfectly and the ball landed right in the hole.

Every man or woman in Christ has a definite trajectory of faith and destiny. When it looks like God is putting you the wrong way, remember — He is a champion. He is able, by His Spirit, to get you in the right place at the right time to fulfill the call of God on your life.

Confession: God is “putting” me in the right direction. He is a champion. The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me. (Psalm 138:8)

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