Living By Faith


He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: myGod; in him willI trust. (Psalm 91:1-2)

Through the power of the death, burial, and resurrection, God put us in Christ. Mark Hankins

The only limit to the goodness of God is our capacity to receive. God told Moses, “I will show you my glory; there is a place by me.”  When believers take their place in Christ they are properly positioned to see the glory of God.

Psalm 91 is a great insurance policy! The company will never go broke. We are to live in that secret place.

Find your place by the Father. Live in that place. Don’t let Hollywood tell you who you are, where your place is, and how to dress, look, or act. Don’t let people shape you.

Get in the presence of God and let Him shape you. God will put you in the rock!  We now know that rock is Jesus Christ. That is the hiding place, the viewing place, and the glory place. Through the power of the death, burial, and resurrection, God put us in Christ — in the rock!

Confession:There is a place by the Father God for me! By faith in the precious blood of Jesus, I am taking my place by the Father and receiving His goodness!

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…and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. (Isaiah 10:27)

The anointing stands up to whatever challenges you are facing, whether they are mental, physical, emotional, or relational. Mark Hankins

What is a yoke? A yoke is something than attaches you to a weight. The devil will try to wrap things around you, chain you up, lock you down, and get you underneath some load or burden. Satan is the oppressor and wants to keep you bound, but the anointing destroys the yoke and everything the devil tries to put on you. When you begin to acknowledge every good thing that is in you in Christ, the anointing empowers you to overcome.

Where does the anointing come from? You can receive it from someone else, but you can also let the anointing rise up from inside of you — from your spirit.

The anointing responds to faith! Your faith will function as you acknowledge every good thing that is in you in Christ, and it will pull on that anointing. In Christ, that anointing will rise up on the inside of you and meet the challenge.

Confession: I am not quitting. I am not giving up. Whatever God has called me to do, I can do. I am in Christ, the Anointed One, and He lives in me! I cannot be defeated!

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My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. (Psalm 34:2)

A servant has access to every place the master does because he is serving the master. Mark Hankins

When you are serving the Master, He gives you the keys to everything because He trusts your heart. That is how you got that close to Him to start with. He has watched you time and time again as you humbled yourself and said, “I am just here to serve. I am not here to promote myself.”

In 1 Peter 5:5-6, Peter said to put on the clothes of a servant. When you dress like a servant, you know you are a child of God. The more you wear the clothes of humility, the more Jesus says to you, “Let Me give you more keys for other rooms. I want to show you some other things that are in My house.” As a servant, you enter the Master’s room. He grants you access. True humility boasts in the Lord and not in anything I have done or can do. I like to boast about who Jesus is and who I am in Him!

Confession: I make my boast in the Lord! It is not anything I have done or can do. It is who Jesus is and who I am in Him! I am dressing as a servant and humbling myself to be a blessing by serving!

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Likewise you that are younger and of lesser rank be subject to the elders–the ministers and spiritual guides of the church, giving them due respect and yielding to their counsel. Clothe (apron) yourselves, all of you, with humility. (1 Peter 5:5 Amplified)

You need to humble yourself in three ways: to those over you, to those around you, and to those under you. Mark Hankins

First, humble yourself to those who are over you in the Lord. Your pastor is over you as a spiritual father. The Bible talks about double honor for the man or woman of God who has given you spiritual things.

Second, humble yourself to those around you. If you do not humble yourself to those around you, you will never have a proper, lasting relationship with them.

Third, humble yourself to those under you. Be nice to those on your way up, or you may meet them on your way down.

The Lord once told me, “This is one of the keys to your prosperity. It is a greater key than giving to the poor or needy.You have to honor those who are over you in the Lord. When you do that, I will bring their honor on you.”

Confession: I humble myself today by giving honor to whom honor is due. I am blessed as I honor those over me, those around me and those under me!

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Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist steadfast in the faith. (I Peter 5:8-9)

If the devil can get you under condemnation, he can cheat you out of your inheritance! Mark Hankins

Do not expect to breeze through this life without an adversary. The more anointing and glory you get, the more you move up on the devil’s hit list! Your picture is up in the post office of hell announcing, “MOST WANTED -Get him, stop him somehow!”

The devil is the accuser of the brethren. He will take you back as many years as necessary to get you under guilt and condemnation until you hang your head. Revelation 12:10-11 tells us the way to overcome him is by the word of your testimony. 

It is time for some new clothes! Get dressed up in the glory! God wants to have a fashion show like Paris or Rome has never seen. He wants to dress you in righteousness, glory, honor, and humility and let you come walking out with the glory of Jesus on you!

Confession: I know what God can do. He brought my family, my children, and my grandchildren, and me out of the horrible pit and put my feet on the rock. Look what the Lord has done!

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