Living By Faith


But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. (1 Corinthians 6:17)

The phrase, “in Christ” is never translated to mean anything else except, “in union with Christ.”
Mark Hankins

Important prepositions normally go unnoticed in Paul’s Epistles. The words for,
with, in, by, and through help us understand our identification with Christ. They are the connecting words that show the relationship of the subjects mentioned, in this case, the believer’s identification with Christ.

The preposition for shows substitution. Christ died “for” us or in our behalf. The preposition with shows identification. The preposition in shows union with Christ. The preposition through shows application. For example: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”(Philippians 4:13)

When you were born again, your spirit was joined to the Master, or joined to Christ. Like a bay of water is one with the ocean, your spirit is one with Christ. When the water rises in the ocean, it rises in the bay. The same stuff that is in Christ right now is in you — the same life, the same victory, the same joy, and the same power!

Confession: I am born again. My spirit is joined to Christ. The same life, victory, joy, and power that is in Christ Jesus is in me now!

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A true Christian is not merely a man altered, but a man re-made.
(2 Corinthians 5:17 Deane)

God is your Father; Jesus is your older brother, and
some new things run in your family.
Mark Hankins

Psychology tells us that three factors have determined what kind of person you are. Those three factors are:
1. Genetic determinism (You are what you are because of your genes.)
2. Psychic determinism (Your identity, your behavior, and your potential are produced by your thinking. 3. Environmental determinism (Your surroundings and influences
limit your future.)

There is some truth to the fact that all of these factors can affect you, but God brings another factor into your life when you are born of Him. I call this factor “In Christ Determinism.” A person in Christ thinks God’s thoughts and sees himself in Him. Once you get born again, your future and your potential are radically altered as a result.
It is good news that all things are made new, but it is also good news that old things are passed away. If all you have as a Christian is something new added to you, you would still have to deal with and live with the old conditions. In Christ, your past is dead and gone!

Confession: I am not merely a man altered; I am a man re-made in Christ. Praise God my past is dead and gone!

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Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. (1 Peter 2:10)

When you know who you are in Christ, you cannot have an inferiority complex.
Mark Hankins

Have you ever been around people that ignore you as if you are nobody? Because you are in Christ, you cannot be a “nobody.” When you are in Christ, you have access to the highest place in the universe. You can go right to the throne of God and say, “Abba Father. He is my Daddy. I get immediate recognition. I am well known in the realm of the Spirit.”

You are somebody in Christ. The reason people commit suicide is because they think, “Nobody cares about me. I walk by people, and they do not even look at me.” They have listened to the lies of the devil so long they believe what he has told them. In Christ, you cannot have an inferiority complex. You can have a calm assurance of what God has done for you in Christ and who you are in Him.

Confession: In times past I may have been a “nobody,” but in Christ I am now “somebody!” I have obtained mercy and have access directly to the throne of God!

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A royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people… (1 Peter 2:9)

Everyone from the greatest to the least has equal access to the Father God.
Mark Hankins

Royal Priesthood: In the New Testament, because of what God has done for us in Christ, everyone has equal access to the Father. God is just as glad to see you, as He is to see any preacher, apostle, or prophet. You can go right into the presence of God. You are a royal priesthood.

A Holy Nation: Once you get in Christ that is your only nationality. You now have family all over the world. When you become a citizen of this nation, there are all kinds of benefits — all of the military of heaven will back you up!

A Peculiar People: What makes you so peculiar? While the worlds’ economy may be going down, yours is going up! When everyone else is depressed, you are rejoicing!

God wants the church to be blessed and strong, full of joy, peace, and victory. He wants to put you on display for the world to see: a new breed, a whole new nation, a whole new creation!

Confession: I am of a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a peculiar people. I am a whole new creation. I came from the King!

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Through faith and patience inherit the promises. (Hebrews 6:12)

You can outlast the devil!
Mark Hankins

God is patient — He has the time and space for things to happen. The devil is not only stupid but also impatient. The devil will hang around and try to whip you. Eventually, he will get impatient and say, “I guess this is not going to work,” and take off! You can outlast the devil!

Some time ago when I visited someone in the hospital, I needed to ride the elevator. I pushed the button and the light came on, but nothing seemed to happen. I waited and waited for the doors to open. Finally, I punched the button again even though the light was still on. I thought, “I guess I don’t need to punch it again. The light is on. It is on the way.” I could have been impatient and taken the stairs if I wanted, but I held steady.

When you exercise your faith, you have punched the button and the light is on. The devil will say, “It’s not going to come. It will never happen.” Keep the switch of faith turned on. Keep that light on! The elevator is on the way!

Confession: Through faith and patience I am inheriting the promises. My faith is working. Miracles are coming to me. The light is on. The elevator is on the way!

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