Living By Faith


For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:3)

Once you are lost in Christ, the devil can’t even find you!
Mark Hankins

I believe the moment you receive Christ you become a new creation in Him. It takes a while to feed on the Word before you say, “I’m not even the same person anymore. I have a whole new identity.”

If you witnessed a crime and the FBI got hold of you and wanted to give you a new identity to protect you, they would change your address, your Social Security number, and all records concerning every bill that you owe. They would totally wipe out your past to protect you.

God wiped out your old identity when you were born again. He wiped out your past. Every account, sin, or claim the devil had on you has been wiped out. Once you are lost in Christ, the devil can’t even find you! Hallelujah!

The devil can’t find you unless you stick your fleshly head up and say, “Hey, it’s me!” Slap your head and get it back down in there, man! You want to talk about my past, my feelings, and my failures? God says, “I don’t want to talk about that. You are dead and your life is hid with Christ in Me. You’ve got a new identity now.”

Confession: I am dead to sin and my past. My life is hid with Christ in God. I am lost in Christ!

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I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)

God was working IN CHRIST, but He was working ON US! Mark Hankins

Paul had such an extreme identity change, he said, “It’s not even me living anymore.” That’s a pretty radical change! People are trying to get God to help them deal with their problems, yet He is saying, “As my child, since I am living on the inside of you, just let Me deal with your challenges through you.”

Paul was a Pharisee, a very religious man, and he received a strong revelation of Jesus Christ. When he was hit with the light of God, he went blind for three days. During that time, he fasted and prayed.

Someone said, “The power of God hit Saul of Tarsus so hard on the road to Damascus that it knocked the ‘S’ off the front of his name and replaced it with a ‘P’ and he became Paul.” His name changed, his identity changed, and his nature changed.

Confession: I am crucified with Christ. I have a new identity and a new nature in Christ. It’s not even me living anymore but Christ living in me!

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Clothe yourselves with that new and better self, which has been created to resemble God in the righteousness and holiness which come from the truth. (Ephesians 4:24 Weymouth)

The greatest reward for obeying God is not what you get, it’s what you become!
Mark Hankins

Even though you are born again and a new creature in Christ, you must decide to allow the Holy Spirit to tell you the truth. Why? Because the truth will set you free; then you can be all that God wants you to be. Wrong attitudes, compromise, sin, and disobedience will stop the flow of the life of God so the image of Christ is not working in you and cannot be fully formed in you.

Other people may have never known what your true personality was like because of all the things that have happened and all the trash piled on top of you. Let the Holy Spirit begin to work in your spirit, lead you into all truth, and show you who you are in Christ.

It’s time for change — I’m not talking about moving to another house. I’m talking about a move on the inside of you! Once you find out who you are in Christ and let Him be formed in you, every gift, talent, calling, and purpose of God will begin to take shape in your life.

Confession: I am who God says I am. I have what God says I have. I can do what God says I can do. Christ has redeemed me!

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Put off concerning the former conversation [lifestyle] the old man, which is corrupt according to deceitful lusts; be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. (Ephesians 4:22-24)

Your spirit is literally held hostage until your mind is renewed with the daily washing of God’s Word.
Mark Hankins

You will only be what God intends for you to be when your mind, will, and emotions are dominated by God’s Word. When you feed your spirit on the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to work in you, your mind will be renewed. The same power that is working in your spirit will move up into your head. Then God will start dealing with some of your habits and attitudes.

You might say, “I like a little sin on the weekend and I’m not changing. Sometimes I lose my temper, that’s just who I am. I’ll tithe when I want to, that’s just who I am.”

The Holy Spirit has a rocket missile launcher going from your spirit to your head. It is launched as you feed upon God’s Word. If you will be still long enough in the presence of God, Jesus will start cleaning house!

Confession: I refuse to be bound by habits, attitudes, sins, or ideas that have controlled my soul, my family, and my life for years. I am a new creation in Christ!

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All things that the Father hath are mine; therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you. (John 16:15)

The Holy Spirit is your “unseen connection” between heaven and earth.
Mark Hankins

You are in union with Christ by virtue of the Spirit of God. Therefore, whatever is being said in heaven is also said in your spirit. You don’t have the same capacity as God, but you do have the same quality of life that God has. You can enjoy a quality of life that doesn’t come from the Republicans, Democrats, welfare, or social programs. You can enjoy a quality of life that no company can guarantee you, with no special help when you retire. You can say, “It is good because I have the same life in me that is in God right now.”

You don’t have to adjust your spirit’s TV set according to the filth, sin, lust, and violence that are all around you. You can adjust your set to what is playing in heaven: holiness, fire, purity, love, righteousness, and glory. I’ve got my set hooked up to heaven. How? I’ve got an unseen connection: the Holy Ghost. I am adjusting my set right now. It is tuned in. Where does all this happen? It happens in your spirit once you are born again!

Confession: By the Spirit of God, I have the same quality of life on the inside of me that God has!

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