Living By Faith


Having therefore, brethren, BOLDNESS to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus. (Hebrews 10:19)

The blood of Jesus has given us great boldness and confidence.
Mark Hankins

Another word that stood out to me in Hebrews was the word, “boldness.” The blood of Jesus has given us great boldness and confidence. “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace.” (Hebrews 4:16) “That we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper.” (Hebrews 13:6)

Some other translations of Hebrews 10:19 translate boldness as “freedom of speech” or “outspoken.” The blood of Jesus has given us great boldness and confidence. As believers, we need to exercise our “freedom of speech” and be outspoken about the blood of Jesus and who we are in Christ. Instead of being a victim of our experiences, our experiences are a victim of us.

Now we as believers can take the Word of God and speak with great boldness and confidence! When Satan comes against you, just bring up the story of the blood of Jesus.

Confession: The Lord is my Helper. I can come boldly unto the throne of grace. I am sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. (Hebrews 10:10, 14)

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Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the
Lord delivereth him out of them all. (Psalm 34:19)

God always has an escape route and is faithful to bring us out.
Mark Hankins

I’m glad that the Lord said in Psalm 34:19 that He would deliver us out of all of our afflictions. He did not say half of them or most of them, He said, “out of them all.” God always makes a way out.

The word afflictions means adversity, distress, tribulation, persecution, depression, misery, trouble, and pressure. God never guarantees us that we will be exempt from adversity. However, He does guarantee always to bring us out.

Joy cometh in the morning. It may seem like a long night, but the night cannot last forever. The sun is coming up on a new day. The Sun of Righteousness is rising with healing in His wings (beams), and you shall go forth and grow up as calves released from the stall. (Malachi 4:2) As sure as the sun comes up every morning, your deliverance is on the way. The earth is constantly turning on its axis. Even though you may not feel like it, your situation is turning right now. It may seem dark now, but something is happening. Things are turning, the morning is certain, and the sun is rising!

Confession: Joy cometh! Healing cometh! Blessing cometh! Money cometh! Faith cometh!

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Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. (James 1:2 AMP)

God is interested in your character and your whole person, not just your immediate comfort.
Mark Hankins

I was watching a documentary on how people make pottery. Pottery is baked in extreme heat to make it durable and hard, so it is usable. I thought it was interesting that they know a pot is done by the sound it makes. Many times trouble will hit you and get you into serious oven situations. If you stay silent while in the oven, then you are going to be in the oven a long time. But if you will just go ahead and shout for joy, you will make it through!

God wants you to hold steady and stop squirming out of your problems and difficulties prematurely. The natural human tendency is to try to find a way to get out from under the pressure. You have to realize that your faith is on trial, and the devil is trying to knock that faith right out of you. Mix patience with your faith and it will take you through the pressure. Let God build character in you and make you strong enough to receive blessings that you may not have been able to receive before.

Confession: I refuse to give up! I am going to allow my faith to be on trial, and I will not lose!

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Even now you are happy with the inexpressible joy that comes from heaven itself. (1 Peter 1:8 TLB)

Rejoicing is an act of faith. Mark Hankins

One day, the Lord spoke to me very clearly and said, “If you only knew what happens in the spirit when you rejoice, you would rejoice every day.” When we rejoice, we are acting like sons and daughters of God!

Rejoicing is an act of faith. Remember the words of Paul in Acts 27:25, “Cheer up…I believe God that it shall be as He told me.” When we believe God, we can cheer up! Believing and rejoicing ushers in the glory and goodness of God in our lives.

Rejoicing enables us to make progress in difficult times. Joy is the secret of faith and endurance. James 1:2 says to count it all joy when trouble comes. This must be why Job laughed at destruction and trouble. (Job 5:22) Of course some people may think you are a fool, but if you have found joy, you have found the secret of survival and success.

Confession: Even now I am happy with the inexpressible joy that comes from heaven itself! The joy of the Lord is my strength. Just like Job, I laugh at destruction and trouble because I know that joy is the secret of faith and endurance. Ha! Ha! Ha!

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And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me. (Genesis 21:6)

Faith laughs at impossibilities. Smith Wigglesworth

In Genesis 21, we read about Abraham and Sarah receiving a promise from God. They were old and well stricken in age but God promised them a son in order to establish His eternal covenant. God told Abraham that He was going to bless Sarah. He said, “I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her.” (Genesis 17:16)

“Through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.” (Hebrews 11:11)

How did Sarah receive strength to conceive? She laughed and received strength for her miracle. She judged Him faithful that promised. She knew that what God had promised He was able to perform. Through faith, she received strength. She said, “God made me laugh.”

Confession: I laugh at the circumstances in my life that seem impossible because I judge Him faithful who has promised. Ha! Ha! Ha!

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