Living By Faith


For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed… he shall have whatsoever he saith.
(Mark 11:23)

Any man may be changed by faith no matter how he may be fettered.
Smith Wigglesworth

One day while I was praying and studying, the Holy Spirit began to give me a vision of the possibilities of some great, glorious, marvelous, and wonderful things that God had prepared for my life, but there were some “mountains” between God’s best blessings and me. He said, “If you knew what was on the other side of your mountain, you would move it!”

In Luke 17:6, Jesus uses the illustration of a “sycamine tree.” Someone once joked, “I have identified my problem, and I am sick of mine.” Sometimes things will stay around until you get sick and tired of being sick and tired, and you determine that things must change in your life. Mark 11:23 makes it clear that it is not up to God or someone else to deal with your situation, it’s up to you! Your mountain will obey you! Your mountain needs to hear your voice!

Confession: I speak to every mountain that has hindered supernatural increase in my life and command them to move. I am ready to receive God’s best blessings for me!

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When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
(Luke 18:8)

If your faith isn’t talking, it isn’t working. Faith always has a voice.
Mark Hankins

Jesus is looking for faith. Your faith is expressed through your words. The spoken Word of God gives the life of God to all who believe and speak. We hold fast our confession of faith according to Hebrews 4:14 (AMP): Inasmuch then as we have a great High Priest Who has [already] ascended and passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession [of faith in Him].

We live by faith, and we walk by faith. We know all things are possible to those who believe. It takes faith to obey God and to please Him. The Word of faith is not such a difficult thing. The Gospel is called the Word of faith in Romans 10:8. The Word is near you; salvation is near you; healing is near you, and blessing is near you. It is all as near as your mouth and your heart!

Confession: I have the spirit of faith. I believe and I speak. I have overcoming faith. I have mountain-moving faith. I have a measure of the God-kind of faith, and it’s framing my world with blessing, healing, victory, and prosperity!

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The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach. (Romans 10:8)

The vocabulary of salvation releases the power of God!
Mark Hankins

I really like the way the Message Bible reads in Romans 10:8-10: “This is the core of our preaching. Say the welcoming word to God – ‘Jesus is my Master’ – embracing body and soul, God’s work of doing in us what He did in raising Jesus from the dead.” I especially like the phrase, “Say the welcoming word to God.” Acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ and all He has done for you. Dare to open the door to the supernatural by believing and speaking. God wants to work for you; He just needs you to open the door. Say it out loud. Hold fast to your confession of faith. Win the war of words. God has given us all the ammunition we need!

Confession: I believe in my heart that God the Father raised Jesus from the dead, and I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. I have been born again. God is my very own Father, and I am His very own child. I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. Old things are passed away; behold, all things are new. Jesus is my Master! (Romans 10:9-10; 8:14-15, 2 Corinthians 5:17)

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Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. (Heb 11:3)

Your success and usefulness in this world will be measured by your confession and your tenacity to hold fast to that confession. F.F. Bosworth

Everything we see was framed with an unseen substance called faith. Faith comes from the spoken Word of God; our words create our world. There is so much power in our words that the devil has tried to derail it. He has gotten into people’s lives and presented a false picture that is not part of God’s plan.

Prison inmates have been known to say, “I have been framed.” They are blaming someone else for their predicament, but they don’t realize how true those words really are. The truth is, everyone has been framed. Our words and the words of others have framed our world.

As we speak the Word of God, it tears down, roots out, builds, and plants. (Jeremiah 1:4-12) God wants us to speak His words and frame the picture He has for us. He has a custom plan for each of us in Christ Jesus.

Confession: For I am his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that I should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)

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Whosoever shall say…believe those things which he saith…he shall have whatsoever he saith. (Mark 11:23)

Words are the building blocks of faith.
Mark Hankins

In Mark 11:23, Jesus said “believe” once. He said “say” or “saith” three times. The speaking part is vital to faith. Faith is released or put to work by speaking.

Jesus used three different Greek words for the speaking part of faith in Mark 11:23. The first “say” is the Greek word epo, which means command. It shows the authority of the believer. The second reference to speaking that Jesus used was the word “saith.” This word in the Greek is laleo, which means to speak out; use your own voice; be bold! The third reference to speaking is also the word saith. However, this Greek word is lego; it means systematic discourse.

Jesus was giving us a lego set of building blocks to teach us how to frame our world according to the picture or diagram He has given us in the Word of God. The Bible gives us a lego set of building blocks for salvation, healing, blessing, prosperity, and victory in life. Take the Word of God and build.

Confession: I have victory in Jesus. My life is blessed! My future is built on the Word of God!

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