Living By Faith


Don’t suppress the Spirit. (I Thessalonians 5:19 Message)

Our only safeguard from dropping back into our natural mind where we can receive nothing from God is to be filled and filled again with the Holy Spirit.
Smith Wigglesworth

My brother, Mike, is the pastor of a great church in Rowlett, Texas, which is a suburb of Dallas. Recently, he was in a service where the Holy Spirit was moving. The Spirit of God began to move and the Holy Spirit manifested in great joy and freedom. The minister walked up to Mike and asked, “Why don’t you yield to the Holy Spirit?”

My brother thought, “Yield, that’s an interesting concept.” He pulled out his Greek lexicon from his coat pocket to look up the word. In Greek, yield means “when a soldier presents himself to his commanding officer for orders.” This word yield shows us how important it is for each of us to daily acknowledge, recognize, and respond to the Holy Spirit.

Confession: I present myself to the Holy Spirit as a soldier presents himself to his commanding officer for orders. I will not suppress his work in my life!

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