Living By Faith


We found ourselves not only risen from death, but in Christ. In Christ who is in heaven therefore in the heavenly realm ourselves. (Ephesians 2:6 Carpenter’s)

When you pray and when you speak, things change in your family, your business, your body, and in nations.
Mark Hankins

What is it like to be in the heavenly realm? What is it like to go beyond the veil of this earth, enter into the Holy of Holies by the blood of Jesus, and live in the heavenly realm? You not only have fellowship with the Father, but you have authority in this world. You speak and pray from this place of authority seated at the right hand of God. God is not going to do this for you; He has already done His part.

You might say, “I can’t figure this all out with my head.” That is why Paul said, “I am praying that God will give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation so the eyes of your heart will be flooded with light.” The Holy Spirit will give you revelation and then you can relax and sit down!

Confession: God has raised me from death with Christ and given me a place to sit with Him in heaven. I now exercise the authority like that which Christ has in the presence of God! (Ephesians 2:6 Johnson and Cressman)

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