Living By Faith


Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in ONCE into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.
(Hebrews 9:12)

The death of Christ stops sin and the resurrection of Christ opens up a whole new life. Mark Hankins

Why does it say, “He entered in once into the holy place”? Jesus whipped the devil so badly and took care of man’s condition ONCE through His death, burial, and resurrection that He won’t ever have to do it again!

Through the death of Christ, God brought the dominion, control, and the effect of sin to an end. Hebrews 9:26 says that through one sacrifice, He put an end to sin. Other translations say, “to do away,” “to abolish,” or “to bring to an end.”

Do you believe what God did in Christ is big enough to take care of anything that is messing with you? It doesn’t matter what it is; what God did in Christ is big enough to take care of it. The Gospel is the power of God. The death of Christ stops sin, and the resurrection of Christ opens up a whole new life!

Confession: God abolished, put away and destroyed sin in my life ONCE and for all. Sin has lost its dominion and control in my life!

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