Living By Faith


For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power. (Colossians 2:9-10)

In Christ, we have access to the understanding and insight of God.
Mark Hankins

The Holy Spirit gives you access to everything that is in Christ, and He will warn you about wrong relationships. Dad Hagin said, “Any person who shuts his spirit away and refuses to develop it will end up being a cripple in life and a victim of scheming and designing people.” God will put you in right relationships where people are not out to manipulate or hurt you. You are then in a double-win situation. They are in Christ and they say, “I am rooting for you to win because when you win, I win. I want you to win and have God’s plan and purpose for your life.”

God is in charge of everything, everywhere, and you are complete in Him. The Amplified Bible says in Philemon 6, “…EVERY GOOD [THING] that is ours in [our identification with] Christ Jesus….”Acknowledge and declare every good thing that is in Him because when you are in Him, every good thing is in you!

Confession: My identification is with Christ Jesus! I am righteous in Him! I am blessed in Him! I am forgiven in Him! I am redeemed in Him! I am complete in Him!

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