Living By Faith


In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of Him. (Ephesians3:12)

“To access all that God has done for us in Christ will take the spirit of wisdom and revelation.” – Mark Hankins

We can approach the Father God boldly because of what Jesus did for us in His death, burial, and resurrection. God has already done everything He is going to do for us in Christ. Our redemption is a finished, complete work.

We have been permanently released and delivered from the power of the devil by the blood of Jesus. We need this redemptive revelation so we can walk in the fullness of all that God has called us to in His kingdom.

Jesus Christ Himself gave the Apostle Paul this redemptive revelation.“For in either received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 1:12) This redemptive revelation is the key for believers. If we are to access the call of God, the inheritance that is ours in Christ, and the authority of the believer, we must have a redemptive revelation of God!

Confession: I can approach the Father God boldly because of what Jesus did for me in His death, burial, and resurrection. I can come fearlessly right into God’s presence, assured of His glad welcome! (Ephesians 3:12 | TLB)

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